1.1 Sumar ~ Halló

Leisure Day is finally here! Let’s check in to see what our beautiful founder is up to…




So, as fate would have it, poor Melanie’s sink, shower, AND laptop all broke within the same sim hour (though luckily she finished writing her novel before the computer died). She was able to fix the sink and shower herself, but I’m too afraid she’ll electrocute herself if she tries to repair the laptop so…

“So I can’t write today?!”

Sorry Mels, you’ll have to take a break. Why don’t you go to the festival? I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun.

So that’s where she went, and then immediately entered the hot dog eating contest…only to get sick halfway and was beaten out by this guy:



Aw come on Melanie, could you be a little more friendly? I mean, this sim is a total cutie pie! Go challenge him to a game of soccer!


Melanie, you look pretty confident for someone who’s athletic skill is only at a two.

“He’s going down!”


“Nyeh nyeh you’ll never beat me!”

And she didn’t.


After their game (which Melanie lost horribly at) Mels was in a pretty good, but tired, mood. See! I told you getting out of the house would be good for you. I said you’d have a good time.


“Well bye.”

Geez the least you could do is properly introduce yourself.I think you’ll be seeing him quite often again in the near future. You did like him right?

“Yeah, he was so dreamy.” *swoon* “I think I’ll go read a nice romance novel before bed.”

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7 thoughts on “1.1 Sumar ~ Halló

  1. Aww! Mel is such a doll. She sounds like me a bit. “What? Talk to people? But…I have very important things to do here on my computer and with my books.” >.>

    I’ve been interested in doing a randomacy for a while…but I don’t want to start a second story. It will be great seeing a melding of this challenge and mine.

    Will you be making a list of cultures to roll randomly in the spirit of that challenge or choose the culture yourself?

    I noticed your chapter title. ;)

    I can’t wait to read the next part!

    Oh! And I can’t seem to comment on your home page by the way.

    • Yeah I really like the randomacy challenge because it keeps the gameplay from getting too repetitive and boring. :)

      I think I might make a list and roll but I have some time to think about it and change my mind when the time comes.

      Yay! I hoped you wouldn’t be upset that I modeled my chapter titles after yours…it was just such a good idea that I couldn’t resist!

      And I don’t know why you can’t comment on the home page :/ I’ll have to go check that out. But thank you so much for reading ^_^

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